RSS Edit




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Current version:1.21
Last update: Jul, 15 2006
File size: 1634357 bytes

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To use RSS Edit Server Side Kits your RSS feed files should be generated by RSS Edit! Download RSS Edit now!

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Server Site Kits - PHP

  1. Introduction
  2. How to install
  3. Obtaing help

1. Introduction

RSS Edit Server Site Kit PHP is special PHP script to publish data from RSS files on your web pages. This kit is designed to use with RSS Edit, the greatest RSS editing and managing tool.

2. How To Install

Folder WEB of distribution package contains the following files:

  • rsseditssk.php - the script itself
  • rsseditssk.conf.php - configuration file
  • feedtemplate.tmpl - template for feed
  • itemtemplate.tmpl - template for single items

Installation includes the following steps:
A: creating configuration
B: modifying item template
C: modifying feed template
D: uploading files to the server and modifying your PHP scripts
E: testing the installation

Step A: Creating configuration

Open rsseditssk.conf.php in simple text editor, e.g. Notepad, and set the variables:

$rssfile - relative position of RSS file, e.g. "rssfile.xml" or "feeds/myfeed.rss";
$feedtemplate - relative position of feed template, e.g. "feedtemplate.tmpl";
$itemtemplate - relative position of item template, e.g. "itemtemplate.tmpl";
$publish - number of items to be published in HTML, 0 means to publish all items from RSS feed;

Step B: Modifying item template

Open itemtemplate.tmpl in simple text editor, e.g. Notepad. Create new or modify existing HTML formatting using the following replacements:

%TITLE% - an item template will be inserted;
%DESCRIPTION% - an item description will be inserted;
%LINK% - an item link will be inserted;
%Y% - year from item date will be inserted;
%m% - month from item date will be inserted;
%d% - day from item date will be inserted;
%H% - hour from item date will be inserted;
%M% - minute from item date will be inserted;
%S% - second from item date will be inserted;

Remember that all variables are case sensitive.

Step C: Modifying feed template

Open feedtemplate.tmpl in simle text editor, e.g. Notepad. Create new or modify existing HTML formatting using the following replacements:

%TITLE% - feed title will be inserted;
%LINK% - feed link wiil be inserted;
%DESCRIPTION% - feed description will be inserted;
%COPYRIGHT% - feed copyright notice will be inserted;
%ITEMS% - a required number of HTML-formatted items (see above) will be inserted;

Remember that all variables are case sensitive.

Step D: Uploading files to server and modifying your PHP scripts

Simply upload the following files to your web site:

  • rsseditssk.php
  • rsseditssk.conf.php
  • feedtemplate.tmpl
  • itemtemplate.tmpl

After this insert

<? include "rsseditssk.php"; ?>

command into your PHP scripts at required position.

Step E: Testing the installation

Start the RSS Edit, create new feed, create new item/topic, set proper publishing properties and click "Publish feed". Then open your WWW browser and visit your web site. Newsfeed should appear.

3. Obtaining Help

If you have any question do not hesitate to contact our support team: If you cannot configure RSS Edit Server Side Kit PHP by yourself we can do this for you. Please, contact our sales departamet:

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